Well this week was more than stressful for more than half of our friends. Between relationship drama as always, tons of homework, exams, papers, and of course friendships that are just ripping apart at the seams, the emotions in the family have been through every stage you could possibly think of.
On a happy note, our friend Cait and her boyfriend of one year finally got to see one another. While this sounds weird, it is. Her boyfriend lives in England and they met over the computer last year. None of us truly know the entire story here, but now that we've all met him, we know the story was real. Dan is a charming boy with an English accent that we all love and we can see that he really does care for Cait, which is what we really care about.
Monday was Valentines day and for my entire life I have never truly appreciated this so-called holiday. Not to sound corny, but this year was absolutely different because I actually had someone who cared about me and wanted to show it by taking me out. We've only been together a few months, but spending Valentine's day with him was special and I enjoyed every single second of it.
After our precious moments with one another, all of our friendships have blown up way beyond anything before. A few of us had some issues in the past semester but those had drifted off and forgotten about, so we thought. Little did we know they were bringing up the issues again dragging another mutual friend into it. Well that friend turned on us and things blew up way out of proportion. Long story short, there are a few people not speaking to me and its not so enjoyable. All I can o is brush it off and move on because I don't want to be in high school anymore.
That stupid little fight that turned into a big one did not help the stress of my week. between two exams, a paper, and plenty of reading, quizzes, classes, and cheerleading I have been mentally exhausted for days. This weekend is set aside to catching up on reading, sleeping, studying, and friendships that are still close to me.
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